Preprint: Individualized "Energy" Model in Resting State fMRI

Three comparisons are shown.  Each comparison compares the energy distribution across 256 brain states, represented as a histogram, between a pair of groups.  The group pairs are: depression versus healthy, bipolar versus healthy, and schizophrenia versus healthy.

A new research manuscript from the CONCEPT Lab explores the possibility of using "energy" models to help diagnose individuals with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression.   These models are based on the idea that a network of interacting brain regions will produce "activity states" where each state has a specific energy associated with it.

Within a clinical group, such as schizophrenia, we have calculated the average energy of all possible states in various sub-networks of the brain.  Then we have compared these average energies between clinical groups and demographically matched control groups. The results suggest that these brain networks, which are part of the brain's "default mode network" may have characteristic energy patterns by clinical group.